
Company information


The history of Heichinrou.

It was in 1884, more than 140years ago, that the first Heichinrou restaurant opened its doors in Yokohama, in the city’s Chinatown. Today, Heichinrou is Japan’s oldest and most loved Chinese restaurant.
Superior service to generations of customers has earned Heichinrou restaurants nationwide a loyal clientele.
Yokohama and the lives of its citizens have changed greatly over the years.
At Heichinrou , however, the case and pride that our original Yokohama restaurant put into serving each of its customers remains the same.
We prepare every meal with only the freshest, highest-quality ingredients available.
Our chefs employ skills and knowledge handed down from master to apprentice to create the finest in authentic Cantonese cuisine.
“The finest food, the warmest service, and the best restaurant”.
This has been our motto since the day we opened.
And we continue to proclaim and to uphold that motto every day.

聘珍樓 大正初期


Company information

Company name Heichinrou corporation
Location 8F SHINYOKOHAMA NARA BLDG, 2-2-8 Shin-yokohama, Kouhoku-Ward, Yokohama City
TEL 045(474)6711
Our business
  • Operation and management of Chinese Cantonese style restaurants.
  • Manufacture of confectionary and other food products.
  • Operation and management of other food-related businesses.




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